Thursday, February 16, 2006

Chock! Horror! Catastrophe!
How to lose all sense of perspective (lesson one)

Chock-horror-catastrophe. Those were the words the speaker used when Vanaudenaerde scored the first goal in Bruges-Roma yesterday. Those were almost the words used during the game Clijsters-Golovin when our Kim lost the first set.

(By the way: our Kim is sick of it. She's sick of making a squilion dollar per year for beating a piece of wood against an airinflated little yellow chick. She's sick of all the injuries her hips have to endure. She's sick of all the taxes she has to pay. Well, I'm sick of your whining, bitch. If your hips hurts, tell your six inch...uhm...six foot boyfriend to slow down, go to a surgeon and get a new pair of hips. We all know you can afford them. Maybe you can get a cute pair, for once)

But lets get back to our main issue here: the horror of a twenty year old getting an inflated piece of leather (for the upcoming Worldcup, these things got a German name: Zeitgeist or Third Reich, I don't quite remember) on his head and thus accidentally setting said object in a hyperbolic trajectory over said twenty year olds goalkeeper into the net . Oooooh, the end is near now. Do these four fuckers on horses riding in the distance spell bad news or what?

Let me spell it out to you: an own-goal in a UEFA-cup game means fuck all. It won't even make the annual review of Footballmagazine, let alone be taught about in school in the year 2798 PB (post-Bietje, morons!).

You know in which phrase the words horror, chock and catastrophe may apply? I'll give you an example:

"I was filled with horror when I saw the pictures of US and UK-soldiers raping, murdering and humiliating Iraqi civilians. The chock that went through me when I heard that these pictures aren't allowed on American television, hasn't worn off yet. I think we're heading for catastrophe if we let the world be ruled by a totalitarian regime, claiming to spread democracy, but in fact only spreading hatred and unchecked consumerism, capitalism and bad taste."

But then of course, these issues never make the headline of our media. Go back to sleep people, it'll all work out...

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Pissing off people at random
Courtesy of Bill Hicks (sorry I'm outta cartoons)

Fundamentalist Christianity - fascinating. These people actually believe that the world is 12 thousand years old. Swear to God. What the..? Based on what? I asked them.
"Well we looked at all the people in the Bible and we added 'em up all the way back to Adam and Eve, their ages - 12 thousand years."

Well how fucking scientific, okay. I didn't know that you'd gone to so much trouble. That's good. You believe the world's 12 thousand years old?
"That's right."
Okay. I got one word to ask you, a one word question, ready?
"Uh huh."
Dinosaurs. You know the world's 12 thousand years old and dinosaurs existed, they existed in that time. You'd think it would have been mentioned in the fucking Bible at some point.
"And Jesus and the disciples walked to Nazareth. But the trail was blocked by a giant brontosaurus... with a splinter in his paw. And O the disciples did run a shriekin': 'What a big fucking lizard, Lord!' But Jesus was unafraid and he took the splinter from the brontosaurus's paw and the big lizard became his friend. And Jesus sent him to Scotland where he lived in a loch for O so many years inviting thousands of American tourists to bring their fat fucking families and their fat dollar bills. And oh Scotland did praise the Lord. Thank you Lord, thank you Lord. Thank you Lord."

Get this, I actually asked one of these guys: "OK, Dinosaurs fossils - how does that fit into you scheme of life? Let me sit down and strap in.
He said, "Dinosaur fossils? God put those there to test our faith."
Thank God I'm strapped in right now man. I think God put you here to test my faith, Dude. You believe that?
"Uh huh."
Does that trouble anyone here? The idea that God.. might be.. fuckin' with our heads? I have trouble sleeping with that knowledge. Some prankster God running around: "Hu hu ho. We will see who believes in me now, ha ha." [mimes God burying fossils] "I am God, I am a prankster. I am killing Me."

You know, you die and go to St. Peter... "Did you believe in dinosaurs?" "Well, yeah. There was fossils everywhere" Thuh [trapdoor opens] "Aaaaaaarhhh!" "You fuckin idiot." "Flying lizards, you're a moron. God was fuckin' with you!" "It seemed so plausible, ahhhh!" "Enjoy the lake of fire, fucker!"

You ever noticed how people who believe in creationism look really unevolved? Ya ever noticed that? Eyes real close together, eyebrow ridges, big furry hands and feet. "I believe God created me in one day" Yeah, looks liked He rushed it. They believe the bible is the exact word of God - Then they change the bible! Pretty presumptuous, hu huh? "I think what God meant to say..." I have never been that confident. Next we have a bible out called 'The New Living Bible', it's the bible in updated and modern English. I guess to make it more palatable for people to read. But its really weird, when you listen to it. "And Jesus walked on water. And Peter said, 'Awesome!'" Suddenly we got Jesus hanging ten across the Sea of Galilee. Christ's Bogus Adventure, you know. Deuteronomy 90210, you know.

Such a weird belief. Lot of Christians wear crosses around their necks. You think when Jesus comes back he's gonna want to see a fucking cross, man? "Oaww" May be why he hasn't shown up yet. "Man, they're still wearing crosses. Fuck it, I'm not goin, dad. No, they totally missed the point. When they start wearing fishes I might show up again, but... Let me bury fossil heads with you Dad, Fuck em - Let's Fuck with them! They're fuckin with me now, lets get em. Give me that brontosaurus head, Dad."

Okay, now can George please blow up the Belgian parliament and the royal palace to avenge my mockery. Thanks, mate.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Out of touch
Slow down, will ya'll

I need a new set of friends. No, really. I feel completely out of touch. I stick out like a sore thumb. They're all climbing the property-ladder, getting knocked up (be it in the biblical way or by means of petri-dishes), getting married. Now, since some of these guys are getting on a bit its Jiste Kominie or maybe Lentefeest coming up. If there's any truth in statistics the first divorce is 3.147 years away (but everybody knows statistics mean f*ck all, so ya'll stick together now, K). And what about me in the meanwhile? Well, I'm renting a matchbox-size apartment I can hardly afford, I'm making f*ck all every month and as far as my offspring is concerned, I flush most of them down the toilet. I feel like I'm chickening out on most of life's really big issues. I know what you're gonna say. I took a leap when I went overseas. Yeah, I guess you're right, but I came back, didn't I? But off course, the answer to my quest is quite simple. All I need is a non-inflatable, non-sheep-shaped girlfriend with a loaded father (and preferably huge knockers -2 would be nice-, an insatiable libido and a nympho-lesbo sister). If you feel you meet these criteria, get in touch...

The Squad

Is there anybody out there?

The book in my hand

Disc Located

April Fools

His masters voice

The Greenback

Flat Earth Society