Disturbing X-mas-adds!
All around Dublin one can find billboards trying to sell cosmetic surgery for the holidays. "Be a cracker all year!", "Thicker lips, permanent bikini-line (for X-mas?)and fuller breasts...". JESUS CHRIST!!
Euh, I mean, Jesus Christ, The Word, Our Savior, surely didn't intend X-mas to be about superficial beauty? What the hell is wrong with society, when Santa drops two breast-implants in your sock? This year, don't get a plastic Christmas-tree, get plastic tits!
Oh, for all you ladies out there who have breast-implants and are quite offended by my post: CAN I SEE THEM?
All around Dublin one can find billboards trying to sell cosmetic surgery for the holidays. "Be a cracker all year!", "Thicker lips, permanent bikini-line (for X-mas?)and fuller breasts...". JESUS CHRIST!!
Euh, I mean, Jesus Christ, The Word, Our Savior, surely didn't intend X-mas to be about superficial beauty? What the hell is wrong with society, when Santa drops two breast-implants in your sock? This year, don't get a plastic Christmas-tree, get plastic tits!
Oh, for all you ladies out there who have breast-implants and are quite offended by my post: CAN I SEE THEM?