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Neo-con pro-life Christian-fundi's

Pro-lifers. Fundamental Christians. Neo-cons. Basically the same geezers, right? Not very good at making up catchy names and not very consistent in their beliefs either.

For starters they oppose abortion. Let the little shit come out -with one arm, eight fingers, three eyes and half a brain- even though his mother is a crack head, living in a trailer-park, unable to provide for herself, her no-good drunk truck-driving, overweight husband and Billy’s seven brothers and twelve sisters. Ah, well, we’ll always need canon flesh to ship to the Middle-East. And those Muslim-fundi’s have heaps of little mongrels too. Okay, they usually only last one bus-ride, but still…
Neo-cons also oppose euthanasia. Mostly because it is a difficult ancient-Greek word that is foreign to most of them. And anything foreign is automatically evil. Another reason to oppose it, is that George Bush would have been dead for years and Reagan would have died mid-nineties if they backed active euthanasia. They weren’t so reluctant to euthanise JFK though.

Neo-cons find porn repulsive. Well, they can’t really oppose porn, because since Adam and Eve, these guys have obviously had a lot of nookie. And technically Eve was Adam’s daughter as she was made out of his rib. He didn’t mate with anybody, though, he was the only wanker around at the time. Basically, the Almighty One cloned Eve. There you go, that’s the final solution, die Endlösung, if you want. Cloning. No more nasty hanky-panky, you just scrape out some ear-smear into a Petri-dish, send it to the lab and nine months later a perfect replica of your beautiful self will enter this world. You could have loads and sell them on eBay. Why don’t they back that? See, not very consistent.
And if they’re really pro-life, they should be anti-war. Aren’t they the ones who wanted to go to Afghanistan and Iraq? That’s why it’s taking them so long in Iraq: they don’t shoot to kill. It doesn’t go with their pro-life beliefs. They shoot some Iraqi wacko in the leg and they go out of their way to fix the dude up. The guy is back in the trenches in no time. No wonder the Iraqis are so confused.

The Iraqis aren’t the only ones, mind you…

The Squad

Is there anybody out there?

The book in my hand

Disc Located

April Fools

His masters voice

The Greenback

Flat Earth Society