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Slippery people

Don't you hate them? Those yellow cones, with a guy breaking his balls, saying (the cone, not the guy): "Caution, wet floor". Or the road sign with the black car crashing spectacularly into the scenery, because it rains. See, I don't get that. We fly to Jupiter shooting pictures of the moon over there, but we cannot invent a surface that doesn't turn into a health-hazard each time two drops of rain got spilled onto it? We can kill with surgical precision from hundreds of miles away, but a given percentage of the worldpopulation sitll breakes all of their limbs every year, because of rain? The best solution we can come up with is a stupid yellow cone? I've busted my balls on three of those cones even when it wasn't raining! You see: we're being screwed. It's a cover-up. It's one and the same company: they make these useless floors and they get extra profit from making those stupid cones too. They even make the casts for your arms and legs! No more, you bastards! I invented a non-slippery-when-wet-floor in my garage yesterday and I'm putting you guys out of business. No hard feelings, OK? Homo homini lupus est and all.

The Squad

Is there anybody out there?

The book in my hand

Disc Located

April Fools

His masters voice

The Greenback

Flat Earth Society